Famed Indian novelist Roy faces prosecution over 'provocative' Kashmir comments

Famed Indian novelist Roy faces prosecution over 'provocative' Kashmir comments

Booker-prize winning author Arundhati Roy, Kashmiri law academic Showkat Hussain to be prosecuted for remarks made in 2010

By Anadolu Staff

ANKARA (AA) – Famed Indian author and novelist Arundhati Roy will be prosecuted under stringent laws for her comments on Kashmir made in 2010.

The sanction to prosecute Booker prize-winning author Roy was granted on Friday by Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, top official of the Indian capital.

Roy and Kashmiri law academic Sheikh Showkat Hussain will be prosecuted under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act over alleged “provocative speeches” delivered at a conference held in 2010 in New Delhi.

“The issues discussed and spoken about at the conference propagated the separation of Kashmir from India,” Press Trust of India reported.

Delhi police had registered a case in the matter after it had received a complaint from Sushil Pandit, a social activist from Kashmir, on Oct. 28, 2010.

Last year, the Saxena’s office had granted sanction to prosecute them under different sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Sharad Pawar, a top Indian opposition leader, on Saturday described the lieutenant governor’s move as “misuse of power.”

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