Ukrainian president, US vice president discuss delivery of weapons to Kyiv

Ukrainian president, US vice president discuss delivery of weapons to Kyiv

Kyiv, Washington signed landmark 10-year bilateral security agreement Thursday at G7 summit in Italy

By Nur Asena Erturk

The Ukrainian president Saturday said he discussed the delivery of weapons to Ukraine with the US Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I had a meaningful meeting with U.S. VP @KamalaHarris and thanked her for attending the summit,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on X, on the margin of the Summit on Peace in Ukraine that started in Switzerland.

“We discussed the delivery of weapons from the announced U.S. military aid packages, the implementation of our agreements reached with President Biden in Italy regarding additional Patriot air defense systems for Ukraine, and the frontline situation,” Zelenskyy wrote.

He also thanked Harris “for announcing another very important U.S. assistance—the allocation of more than $1.5 billion for the needs of” Ukraine.

Kyiv and Washington on Thursday signed a landmark 10-year bilateral security agreement during the G7 summit in Italy.

Ukraine has already signed bilateral security treaties with 16 other countries, namely the UK, Germany, Iceland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Belgium, Latvia, Finland, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands.

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