Former Arsenal forward Kevin Campbell passes at 54

Former Arsenal forward Kevin Campbell passes at 54

Campbell also played for Nottingham Forest, Everton, West Bromwich Albion, and Türkiye's Trabzonspor

By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

Former Arsenal, Nottingham Forest, Everton, and West Bromwich Albion forward Kevin Campbell passed at 54 after a short illness, the English Premier League announced on Saturday.

Arsenal also expressed their condolences on X: "We are devastated to learn that our former striker Kevin Campbell has died after a short illness. Kevin was adored by everyone at the club. All of us are thinking of his friends and family at this difficult time. Rest in peace, Kevin."

Campbell played in 13 seasons in Premier League, appearing in 325 matches, scoring 83 goals, and providing 37 assists.

Former England international, who also played for the Turkish team Trabzonspor in 1998-1999, netted once in four games for the national team.

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