Formula 1: Canadian GP postponed

Formula 1: Canadian GP postponed

Organizers postpone race amid coronavirus pandemic

By Can Erozden

ANKARA (AA) - The 2020 Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix was postponed Tuesday, with organizers citing the COVID-19.

"The organisers of the 2020 Canadian Grand Prix – scheduled for June 12-14 – have announced the postponement of the race amid the ongoing global coronavirus outbreak," said Formula 1.

The Australian, Bahrain, Vietnam, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch and Azerbaijan Grands Prix were delayed earlier. The Monaco GP was canceled for the same reason.

The season's 10th race had been scheduled for June 28 in France.

After originating in China last December, the coronavirus has spread to at least 184 countries and regions across the world, with its epicenter shifting to Europe.

The pandemic has killed more than 80,000 people, and infected 1.4 million worldwide.

As of 4 a.m. local time (0800GMT) Tuesday, Canada had 16,652 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 323 deaths.

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