Palestinians begin returning to northern Gaza as part of ceasefire deal

Palestinians begin returning to northern Gaza as part of ceasefire deal

Gazans returning on foot through coastal Al-Rashid street

By Ahmed Asmar

ANKARA (AA) - Thousands of Palestinians on Monday morning began returning to the northern Gaza Strip as part of the ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group that came into effect on Jan. 19.

Thousands of people moved on foot toward northern Gaza through the coastal Al-Rashid street as of 7 am local time (0500GMT), according to witnesses and an Anadolu correspondent on the ground.

Palestinian social media activists uploaded footage of people chanting and celebrating while returning to their areas.

The Gaza media office had said earlier that people could move to northern Gaza on foot, not via vehicles, through the coastal street as of 7 am.

It added that people could also move to northern Gaza from central and southern Gaza via vehicles not on foot through Salaheddin Street, eastern Gaza, as of 9 am.

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