Taliban release former Canadian soldier

Taliban release former Canadian soldier

David Lavery, after being released from detention in Afghanistan, arrived in Qatar, says foreign minister

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) - Canada has confirmed the release of a former Canadian soldier by Afghanistan's interim Taliban administration.

Foreign Minister Melanie Joly wrote on X late Sunday that David Lavery, after being released from detention in Afghanistan, arrived in Qatar and that she had spoken with him.

She thanked Doha for its cooperation in the release of Lavery, who is in "good spirits."

"I just spoke with David Lavery upon his safe arrival in Qatar from Afghanistan. He is in good spirits," Joly said. "Thank you to my Qatari counterpart, @MBA_AlThani_, for helping facilitate the release of our Canadian citizen."

The US media reported that Lavery was detained by the Taliban forces in November last year.

The Taliban have not yet commented on the release.

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