Paris Saint-Germain fans display pro-Palestine banners during UEFA Champions League match

Paris Saint-Germain fans display pro-Palestine banners during UEFA Champions League match

Fans raise ‘Free Palestine’, ‘Battle on the field, but peace in the world’ banners

By Emre Asikci

ISTANBUL (AA) - Paris Saint-Germain fans displayed banners Wednesday in solidarity with Palestine at a UEFA Champions League match against Atletico Madrid.

Fans raised a huge banner that read: "Free Palestine" in English, and a smaller one that said, "Battle on the field but peace in the world" in French before kick-off at the Parc des Princes stadium.

The larger banner featured images of Jerusalem's iconic Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Palestinian and Lebanese flags.

Israel has continued a devastating offensive against the Gaza Strip since an attack by the Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, on Oct. 7, 2023. The onslaught has killed nearly 43,400 people and rendered the enclave almost uninhabitable.

Israel faces a genocide case at the International Court of Justice for its actions in the blockaded enclave.

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