Türkiye’s renowned Cappadocia region promoted in Athens

Türkiye’s renowned Cappadocia region promoted in Athens

Numerous Greek tour operators attend promotion event

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) - Türkiye’s central Cappadocia region, known for its fairy chimneys and historical underground towns and churches from the early ages of Christianity, was promoted in the Greek capital Athens.

Turkish Ambassador in Athens Cagatay Erciyes, numerous Greek tour operators, representatives of the Turkish tourism sector and media representatives attended the promotion event organized by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry and Turkish Tourism Development Agency.

Cappadocia, a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the central province of Nevsehir, became a popular destination worldwide in recent years thanks to its distinctive volcanic cones known as fairy chimneys, atmospheric underground cities, hot-air balloon trips, houses carved into rocks, and churches, chapels, and shelters used in the early years of the Christian faith.

Tourists who enter the underground cities pass through tunnels witnessing traces of thousands of years of life.

These cities, which were made by carving tufa rocks in 3000-3500 BC and expanded during the Roman and Byzantine periods after the Hittites, attract the attention of local and foreign tourists.

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