US athlete Crouser wins gold in shot put, sets Olympic record

US athlete Crouser wins gold in shot put, sets Olympic record

28-year-old throws 23.30 meters at Tokyo 2020 Games to improve his own record in Rio 2016

By Can Erozden

ANKARA (AA) – US shot putter Ryan Crouser won a gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Games on Thursday, smashing his own Olympic record.

Crouser, 28, threw 23.30 meters in men's shot put final to be the champion in the 2020 Olympics.

The gold medalist improved his Olympic record as he had a 22.52-meter throw in Rio 2016.

Crouser is also the world record holder in shot put with 23.37 meters that he set in June in Eugene, US.

So Crouser has had second Olympic gold medal in his career as he previously took gold in Rio 2016.

In Thursday's final, US' Joe Kovacs threw 22.65 meters to earn silver.

New Zealand's Tomas Walsh came third to bag bronze in Tokyo 2020, having a 22.47-meter throw in the final.

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